Anne Mullens is a former freelance health writer, author, editor and health communications consultant who lives in Victoria, British Columbia. Since 2019 she has been working full time as a senior writer and editor for Diet Doctor ( the world's leading low-carb and keto website, headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden.

865312-915202-thumbnail.jpgShe is the former founder and owner of Santé Communications Group, a full-service communications and media relations company in Victoria BC whose major clients include the four Joint Collaborative Committees of the Doctors of BC and the BC government, particularly the Child and Youth Mental Health and Substance Use Collaborative. You can see more about Santé at

From 2009 to April 2013 Anne was the Managing Editor of Victoria's Boulevard Magazine, taking the magazine from a bi-monthly to a monthly publication, establishing national reporting and writing standards in a regional magazine. For almost two decades she wrote for International editions of Reader's Digest and for travel and lifestyle magazines, specializing in health and wellness.

Anne has won a dozen Canadian awards for her writing. She has also written two critically acclaimed books, Missed Conceptions (1990) and Timely Death (1996), which won the Edna Staebler Award for Creative Non-Fiction. One of  Anne's award-winning magazine pieces was selected to be part of a Canadian anthology of exemplary feature writing. Her work was described as "depicting compelling storytelling with clarity of purpose, meticulous reporting and evocative, crystal-clear writing."

Throughout her now 35-year career she has specialized in complex medical and scientific feature writing, starting as Medical Reporter at The Vancouver Sun, BC's biggest daily newspaper. She then moved to freelance magazine writing, primarily on health and science topics. She loves to do travel, food and recreation features on the side. Her travel writing has appeared in Boulevard, British Columbia Magazine, The Globe and Mail, La Vie Claire, Alaska Airlines Magazine, Horizon Airlines Magazine, The Vancouver Sun and Victoria Times Colonist. She was a frequent contributor to the Seattle P.I.'s travel section, specializing in outdoor adventures in the Pacific Northwest until the newspaper closed in winter 2009.

Anne's writing career has also included contract writing, research and ghost writing for health care organizations, non-profits, government and private clients, as well as writing and research for television, film and radio documentaries. In the fall of 2007 Anne pitched, researched, wrote, and narrated the radio documentary: "Where Have All The Tenors Gone?" for the Canadian Broadcast Corporation's popular show "IDEAS."

You can reach Anne through her email: annemullens at (Replace the written at with the "at" symbol.) Read Anne's latest work at Diet Doctor and discover how to dramatically improve your health with low-carb foods.