Eureka! Over the hump
Saturday July 7th. It has been almost a week since my last pedicab shift. Dental surgery for my 16-year old, Kate, has kept me at home. I have done hot yoga, stretching, but nothing else. I show up at the barn at 8:30 am. Andrew Johnston, the resident pedicab repair man, is the dispatcher. I explain my previous cab selection woes. I need a good cab. One that is a reliable, smooth, beautiful, well-functioning machine.
"Try cab #1," he says. "It's my favourite. It never breaks down."
I take cab #1 out for a trial spin on Herald Street. It rides like a dream. Have I found my pedicab?
With #1, I am faster at my pedicab inspection - in 15 minutes I have done the preshift 47-point check list. It is a $30 lease day. I pay and leave.
It is hot and sunny. I am wearing for the first time the skimpy pink Kabuki Kab singlet. I may as well use whatever assets I have to secure rides. I ride out not worried about landing clients. I concentrate on getting stronger. I am practicising going up Government Street in high gear, building my legs. A young man crosses the street, waving at me, almost blocking my path. What? You want me? He and his pal are going to the Clipper ship to Seattle with big heavy luggage. Can I help them get there? Well sure!
Their names are Daniel Stone and Adam Gerber. They are both visiting from California. I pull over and attach their heavy
Daniel and Adam duffel bags to my cab with the pedicab seat belt. They hop in. They are fit, slim young men, but together, with their big luggage, I must be hauling close to 500 pounds. To my amazement I go up Government Street , my nemesis, with no problem. For the first time in three weeks I am not panting. I turn left on Broughton, and coast down to Wharf, going past the Inner Harbour and along Belleville to the Clipper loading dock. I can talk easily.We stop in front of the Empress briefly for a commemorative photo -- for me as much as them. Daniel is a writer, too, now editing for Current magazine. A few weeks earlier he has interviewed California Governor Arnold Schwarzeneggar. He is intrigued by my summer story, my struggle and today's apparent ease. I am elated. Has three weeks of cycling 3x a week, pushing my heart rate past 200 bpm, brought on improved cardiovascular fitness? Am I over the hump?
At the Clipper they write a great comment in my guest book, the first glowing comment in 3 weeks of pedicabbing agony: "Anne, a perfect end to our Canadian vacation. Thanks for your energy and your stories. We hope our paths will cross again!" I AM over the hump. I have gotten fitter. It feels not easy, but okay.
I land another ride, a couple celebrating their 4th anniversary. I take them up Government St. then along Wharf, telling them ghost stories and dropping them at a popular bar, Darcys. She writes in my book: "Thank you for this wonderful experience." Yes!
For the first time since I began in mid June I am feeling fitter and stronger. It feels easier. I get a few more taxi rides during the day. As the shift ends I am $2 shy of making my lease. I don't care. I have reached a watershed. I CAN do this.
Reader Comments (1)
Great work with your journals. such a joy reading it.
(aka Club 150 name - FES411)